So... 1 year of PT school almost over. I had no idea that I could fit this much information in my brain... its crazy.... it really is crazy. Today in cadaver lab, we removed the top of the skull and took out the brain... its actually small, but dense. It was surprisingly heavy. I just kept looking at it thinking about what the brain is capable of... its really a miracle. Anyways... the next 2 weeks are going to be outrageous... 11 finals... 5 written, 6 practicals.... 8 are cumulative. The good thing is I'm not stressed or overwhelmed (not yet anyways).... I'm just tired. I'm so ready for a break where I don't have to think about anything. This all starts going down Monday through the next Thursday.... and in the mean time we still are having classes! Haha! Its so crazy here!
These are a few of my favorite things... I'm so happy that Justin likes broadway shows just as much as I do... We went to see Spamalot in Birmingham 2 weeks ago and it was hilarious. It was our 3rd show to see together. He bought me a mug to add to my broadway mug collection! One of my favorite things about going to performances is dressing up, and Justin and I don't always do this intentionally, but I love when we match! So here are some pics of us at some shows. Wicked, Phantom of the Opera (Justin's fav!... j/k), and Spamalot.