Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Exchange

This is my Life Group, The Exchange! We are reading a book called Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and it is awesome. It challenges me so much to read the Word fiercely and develop God given interpretations to share with community. Because that is how the Bible is designed, to create community with people and with God. Its a good read.

Last night we all seemed over whelmed with the intensity of Chapter 2 and Amanda felt the need to have a quiet time with God and then we prayed for each other. It was so refreshing and inspiring! I found this verse as I was reading more about the message I heard Sunday from Pastor Stoval from Celebration Church in Jacksonville, FL. He spoke on Marriage Makeovers and how we should continue the act of pursuit forever...That's how God designed every relationship. Draw near to me and I'll draw near to you. As time continues and we continue this active pursuit of one another we become closer and even more attracted to one another. Well, in my quiet time I was focusing on this "active pursuit"... the whole ask, seek, knock verse in Luke 11... God wants us to RUN to Him and in return He cannot wait to RUN this race with us! This continued to Philippians where I found probably my favorite verse right now Phil 3:12-1412...

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

I love this. Its so fitting for the topic of active pursuit...how can you pursue something with your whole heart if you are looking backwards...no progress can be made. We have to forget where we have fallen and get up right where we left off and press on, pursuing, and unveiling.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Weird Eight

This is all for you, Morning Song, because you are my only active blogging friend. :) It's going to be interesting:

1. I get colored snoballs only so my mouth will turn bright colors! Blue is my favorite color to turn my mouth...and I don't even like blue flavors.

2. Being an only child has taught me ways to entertain myself. If I'm bored, you may find me blowing spit bubbles off my tounge...gross...but its fun.

3. I can eat all shellfish except crawfish...I'm allergic...I think it has to do with the higher levels of sulfur.

4. I have half a toenail on my right foot big toe...I broke it last semester in my exercise training class by dropping a 10 lb. weight on it and it is slowly, but surely on its way back.

5. Anytime I change my sheets on my bed, I have to be clean, washed hair, shave, etc. before I get in them for the first time.

6. In August, I'm moving to Alabama to go to Physical Therapy school. I absolutely cannot wait for the cadaver lab. The thought of going through the human body is thrilling to me. I cannot wait to slice somebody open! Yet, I'm dreadfully frightened by the sight of a gecko.

7. After I drink coffee in the mornings, sometimes my pee smells like java.

8. I like the smell of my mocha urine.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Summer Life

Graduation Party was Slammin'... Thanks MOM!
This was the best cake ever!!!

I can't believe its already June! Summer is flying by...and life has been just as crazy, if not more, than when school was going on. I am working at the daycare where I grew up in...its a joy. I love it. I mostly work 3-6 in the afternoon at the front desk and occasionally I will be a floater in the morning, in which I gracefully float from class to class and see if anybody needs anything...then spend my last 30 minutes cleaning the kitchen and eating leftovers! Its a blessing...I love being around children...even when they are bad or smell bad!

This weekend was the first ever Missionette's Lil' Chick Retreat! It was amazing...there were around 25 girls there and majority were Prims (my class!!!). We had worship, sermons, games, lots of pool time, crafts, and great times of building lasting relationships! I do have to admit, I was so tired before I even left and didn't even want to go! I was exhausted and in tears on my way to the church. I even snapped a little at camp (Sorry Mrs. Tammy.) I know now that all this was just an attack...to make me edgey and unwilling to share with my girls and everyone. I pushed so hard to be sweet even though I was tired and I had a great time. More importantly I think the girls had a great time. God really showed me how to put myself aside so He can shine through me. It was such a blessing to pray for them, dance crazy with them, and sit down and teach them a little seed of God's word.

Well thats all for now!

Happy Birthday to all the men in my life!!!
-Paw Paw - June 6th
-Dad - June 7th
-Justin - June 11th

I love you boys!